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Twelve years of honor! BEWG topped the list of “Top Ten Influential Enterprises in China’s Water Industry” again 2022-05-20

On the afternoon of May 18, China water network, E20 Research Institute and E20 Environmental Platform unveiled the list of “Top Ten Influential Enterprises in China’s Water Industry in 2021 (the 19th Session)” in the form of online live broadcast. With good performance and scale advantages, strong professional strength and industry influence, BEWG again ranked first among the “Top Ten Influential Enterprises in China’s Water Industry in 2021”. This is the 14th time that BEWG has been listed on the list, and it has ranked first for the 12th year. 

Since 2003, the “water industry enterprise selection” has been officially launched. So far, 19 sessions have been successfully held, witnessing the magnificent development of the water industry. The selection activity of the top ten influential enterprises in China’s water industry for 2021 lasted more than two months, attracting 400 enterprises to participate, which includes enterprise declaration, online like-giving, comprehensive evaluation by the jury, etc. Among them, at the comprehensive evaluation link of the jury, industry experts, industry researchers, the media and the E20 jury were invited to form a professional evaluation team to comprehensively score the enterprises from multiple dimensions, and finally select the top ten influential enterprises for this session.

As what is said in the award speech: “BEWG has led the list of water performance for many consecutive years, with obvious stock scale advantages; with the empowerment of ecological strategy, innovation strategy and digital strategy, the transformation of light assets is advanced steadily, and pollution reduction and carbon reduction are actively practiced to maintain high-quality development; BEWG has deepened diversified cooperation and maximized the link with external resources while re-shaping the core advantages.” This is the recognition and affirmation of the influence of BEWG by the E20 environmental platform and the jury.

In the live broadcast of award announcement, Wang Zhupin, senior vice president of BEWG, was invited to deliver an acceptance speech and look forward to the future development of the water industry. 
Wang Zhupin said that in the past year, the requirements for ecological efficiency under the carbon peaking and carbon neutrality goals were improved, which has had a wide impact on infrastructure construction, sewage recycling, high-quality and precise services, technological product innovation and iteration, and has also become an important direction for every environmental protection enterprise to refine its internal skills. It can be seen that every subdivision of the environmental industry has made unremitting efforts, climbed one peak after another, and made extraordinary achievements. Meanwhile, BEWG is also firmly implementing the strategic transformation of light assets and striving to become a world-class water environmental service provider that is deeply trusted and leads the development. 

Looking forward to the future development of the industry, technological innovation and collaborative governance are the “always new” key topics in the field of ecological environment. In the fierce market changes, the importance of technology is further highlighted, and the trend of industry integration has emerged. Enterprise competition is not only the competition of scale, but also the competition of enterprise innovation strength. When the capital advantage gradually fades, enterprises with technological advantages will have the upper hand in industry integration. In the future, BEWG will promote the application of technical products through technological innovation and R & D, create excellent operation capacity, and comprehensively help achieve the “double carbon” goal. 

At the same time, Wang Zhupin mentioned that as an enterprise in the water industry, BEWG will strive to improve the situation of “fragmented water control” in the past to meet the needs of high-quality development. BEWG has always advocated collaborative governance. In terms of industry collaboration, resource collaboration, talent collaboration, technology collaboration, etc., everyone in the environmental industry needs to play their respective roles to form an ecological virtuous cycle, so as to jointly give play to greater social values, economic values and ecological values.

During the live broadcast, E20 carried out a style tour of the first “double hundred leaps” benchmarking sewage treatment plant project in 2021. BEWG appeared in the live broadcast with high-quality image based on its five major projects, namely, Kunshan North District sewage treatment plant, Yixing urban sewage treatment plant, Guangzhou Xintang Yonghe sewage treatment plant (phase IV), Mianyang Taziba sewage treatment plant and Luoyang Chandong sewage treatment plant. As a benchmark, BEWG drives the upgrading of the sewage treatment industry and leads the industry towards high-quality development.

The era calls for the environmental industry to work hard, and the industry hopes that environmental protection enterprises would be brave to take on heavy responsibilities. As the water industry turns to a high-quality development stage and facing the goal of building a beautiful China by 2035, BEWG, as one of the top ten influential water enterprises, will adhere to the responsibility of ecological and environmental protection, unswervingly follow the modernization path of ecological priority, innovation and coordination, and green development, promote the realization of a new pattern of harmonious coexistence between man and nature, and strive to write a new chapter in the construction of a beautiful China. 
