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Cultivate Cooperation of Industries, Universities and Research Institutes, and Co-create New Development! BEWG Selected as a "Demonstration Enterprise of China Industry-University-Research Institute" 2022-02-10

A few days ago, the list of "Demonstration Enterprises of 2021 China Industry-University-Research Institute Cooperation Innovation" recognized by China Industry-University-Research Institute Collaboration Association was selected and announced. Led by BEWG Education Center and jointly declared by BEWG Research Institute, the selection was comprehensively evaluated by China Industry-University-Research Institute Collaboration Association and experts from government, industry, university and research circles. BEWG was successfully selected for its outstanding performance in industry-university-research institute innovation cooperation, scientific research and development and achievement transformation, and talents training.

China Industry-University-Research Institute Collaboration Association is a high-level collaborative innovation service platform, under management of State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council, established by the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Science and Technology, the Ministry of Environmental Protection, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the Chinese Academy of Engineering and other relevant departments, as well as universities, research institutes, enterprises and other government, industry, university and research institutes. Demonstration enterprises of China's industry-university-research institute cooperation innovation is a national award in the field of industry-university-research institute cooperation, aiming at giving full play to the leading demonstration role of enterprises in industry-university-research institute cooperation innovation, improving the effectiveness of commercialization of technological research results, and enhancing the core competitiveness and innovation of enterprises.

At present, scientific and technological innovation has been placed at the core of innovation-driven development. Facing the important task of realizing high-level scientific and technological self-reliance, the industry-university-research institute-end user integration undertakes the important task and mission of promoting scientific and technological innovation and transformation of achievements. As a leading enterprise focusing on water resources recycling and water ecological environment protection in China, BEWG began to explore and practice the deep integration of industries, universities research institutes and end users as early as 2013 under the guidance of the Group's innovation strategy.

Integration of Enterprises with Vocational Schools and Universities - Creating the Cradle of High-quality Talents Training

BEWG attaches great importance to cooperation with vocational schools and universities, gives full play to the advantages of enterprises, and strengthens the core elements of talents in the integration of industries, universities research institutes and end users. At present, BEWG has reached strategic cooperation with more than 50 universities including Harbin Institute of Technology, Dalian University of Technology, Qingdao University of Technology and Hebei Institute of Environmental Engineering, and set up six BEWG schools of (modern) industry in Shandong, Hunan, Guangdong, etc. Through speciality co-construction, joint training of talents, training of "dual-qualified" teachers, pilot construction of 1+X certificate, development of teaching materials and courseware, employment of supply and demand docking, establishment of scholarships and other practices, it actively explore the "BEWG Model" of training high-quality talents in the industry, and lay a solid foundation for regional economic transformation and environmental industry upgrading.

Associated Research and Development - Providing Technical Support for Industry Challenge

BEWG has established good and long-term cooperative relations with universities and research institutes such as Tsinghua University, Beijing University of Technology, Beijing University of Chemical Technology and China Research Academy of Environmental Sciences. Besides, six joint research institutions and scientific and technological innovation platforms were established, including Tsinghua University-BEWG Group Environmental Industry Joint Research Institute, NDRC National Engineering Laboratory of Urban Wastewater Advanced Treatment and Resource Utilization Technology, and Beijing Reclaimed Water Quality Safety Engineering Technology Research Center. Also, it undertakes 17 major water scientific research projects at the national, provincial and ministerial levels, to help solve the technical problems of water treatment in China. In recent years, BEWG has continuously increased investment in scientific and technological research and development, and mastered over 200 intellectual property rights.

Technology Achievements Transfer - Being an Incubator of Scientific and Technological Achievements

BEWG actively builds an efficient and open platform for scientific and technological R&D and transformation. Relying on R&D bases and operation projects, it has established productive verification bases in four regions, which can carry large-scale pilot tests, productive verification and open technology joint R&D work, with a verification capacity of 37,000m3/d, which can ensure the simultaneous operation of 30 projects. At present, the joint research and development project of AOA technology in cooperation with Academician Peng Yongzhen of Beijing University of Technology has completed the transformation of production-level application project of 10,000m3/d, and the application technology development project of aerobic granular sludge treatment of municipal sewage jointly carried out with Beijing University of Chemical Technology has started a large-scale pilot test of 1,000m3/d and entered the production-level application design stage.

Facilitating Integration via Competitions - Building a Bridge between Innovative Achievements and Industrial Resources    

As a stage for innovative entrepreneurs in ecological environment industry to realize their dreams, up to now, BEWG has successfully held four sessions of China "Internet +" Ecological Environment Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition, attracting the enthusiastic participation of 576 universities, 1,676 projects and 10,620 innovative entrepreneurs from 28 provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions across the country. More than 400 projects won awards, and a large number of outstanding enterprises and teams emerged. In order to further promote the effective integration of innovation chain and industrial chain, a matchmaking meeting of ecological environment innovation and entrepreneurship projects was held immediately after the competition to support industry resource sharing and win-win cooperation. Forty innovative projects have signed a memorandum of cooperation with BEWG to further carry out cooperation docking and transformation of scientific and technological achievements.

Standards Compilation - Boosting Technology Standardization of the Industry  

BEWG also actively participated in the formulation of standards, and successively participated in the compilation of 18 national, industrial and group standards in the fields of wastewater recycling, underground wastewater plants, black and fetid water bodies control and water environment control, of which 12 have been officially released, making positive contributions to promoting technological progress and industrial development.

Industry-university-research institute cooperation is the key link of innovation-driven development strategy. In the future, BEWG will continue to deepen its cooperation in the field of industry, university and research institute, give full play to its advantages and resources, and carry out in-depth cooperation and model exploration in more fields by relying on the ecological environment production and education alliance and joining hands with partner universities, research institutes and enterprises, to provide a stage for outstanding talents, innovative teams and scientific and technological achievements in the eco-environmental industry, promote the organic connection between education chain, talent chain and industrial chain and innovation chain, help the high-quality development of the eco-environmental industry, and make greater contributions to building a beautiful China.