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Four Projects of BEWG are Selected into Intelligent Water Investigation Report of the Urban Water Industry (2020) 2021-11-03

On the morning of November 3, Intelligent Water Investigation Report of the Urban Water Industry (2020) (hereinafter referred to as the Report) was released. Liu Weiyan, Vice President of BEWG and Director of Intelligent Water Committee of China Urban Water Association participated in the online news conference as the chief editor and deputy judge of the Report; he expounded on the report contents and aroused great attention of insiders, with around 10,000 viewers. The 2000 reports printed in the first batch have all been subscribed. It is being overprinted now.

It has been published after long-term accumulations. Guided by China Urban Water Association (hereinafter referred to as “CUWA”), Liu Weiyan, Vice President of BEWG and Director of Intelligent Water Committee of China Urban Water Association, launched the investigation work in July 2020 by cooperating with over ten units and related personnel. They investigated and visited around 1,000 water-related units nationwide during one year, and gathered the investigation results of over 1000 units. They conducted comprehensive analysis, seized core issues, collected the industry’s real appeals and comprehensively reflected the industry’s status core; finally, they formed the Report, which serves as a reference for governmental departments of various levels in charge of the water field, scientific research personnel and enterprise managers related to planning and design.

It is worth mentioning that the chapter of typical cases in the report collected 11 classical cases in the industry, thus providing references for the industry’s intelligent water construction. Four intelligent water projects of BEWG were successfully selected into it, covering water supply, drainage and water environment. They are respectively: the intelligent pilot project of leakage control of the water supply network in Guigang, Guangxi, the concentrated dispatch project of “1+N” cluster of Taizhou District, Zhejiang Province, the intelligent water of the comprehensive river system governance PPP project in Gutai central area, Fuzhou City, Fujian Province, and the intelligent operation and control platform of the water environment in Yuhang Tang River, Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province.

The intelligent pilot project of leakage control of the water supply network in Guigang, Guangxi

The intelligent pilot project of leakage control of the water supply network in Guigang, Guangxi is an intelligent water project designed and constructed by BEWG since 2017; it was put into trial operation in 2019. The project covers the 1100+km water supply network from three waterworks (the water supply scale is 250,000 m³/d), with the service area of around 50+km2, serving over 500,000 people.

While improving the economic benefit of the water enterprises, the project pays more attention to quality control, water resource conservation and improvement of the social benefit. After the project was implemented, through process re-engineering and assistance of the intelligent system, the project realized rapid discovery, location and repair of the leakage points; the company’s production and sales difference was decreased from 23.75% in 2017 to 17%. Its customer service won “the first prize of the business environment competition” in Guangxi. In 2020, it was put on the honour roll of “12345” governmental service hotline in Guigang. Meanwhile, the project obtained 2 independent intellectual property rights, formed 40 standards of system construction, operation and maintenance, formulated 9 types of 426 data standards, and set up 11 types of 17 business standard work orders, thus laying a solid foundation for promotion and copying. The platform also developed the latest SOA system framework based on the water industry, thus realizing effective opening of data and efficient cross-system communication of business.

The concentrated dispatch project of “1+N” cluster of Taizhou District, Zhejiang Province

Four sewage treatment projects located at Huangyan Jiangkou, Luqiao Zhongkecheng, Huangyan Yuanqiao, Luqiao Binhai in Taizhou City, Zhejiang Province made use of “1+N” cluster intelligent water operation. With the project in Huangyan Jiangkou as the concentrated control center, they realized multi-project operation and management intensification and the water operation and management mode that turned sewage treatment plants into “workshops”; they also boasted the ability of accepting more new projects.

After the concentrated dispatch project of “1+N” cluster in Taizhou District was implemented, it had outstanding performances in decreasing personnel and enhancing efficiency, saving energy and lowering consumption. It not only adjusted the framework of the management organization and realized unmanned duty or duty of fewer people in the central control room of affiliated factories. Meanwhile, through intensified comprehensive operation, it saved many raw materials and power cost on a year-on-year basis. Through the intelligent brain of the “1+N” sewage operation and management platform, the project realized the all-round man-machine coordination of the production operation and equipment management; it helped operation and management with intelligence, improved intelligent applications with operation and management, and formed the joint force of development driven by “business + technology”. In addition, through the mode, the project also cultivated a number of new-type composite operation talents adapting to intelligent water.

Intelligent water of the comprehensive river system governance PPP project in Gutai central area, Fuzhou City, Fujian Province

The comprehensive river system governance PPP project in Gutai central area, Fuzhou City, Fujian Province includes 28 riverways, with the total length of around 49km, the catchment area of around 600,000 km2, and the river surface area of 610,000m2. It was completed and operated in July 2020.

In order to keep upgrading the information-based infrastructure system of water conservancy in urban inland rivers, the project set up the integrated perception monitoring network, created the water conservancy map application on the basis of system integration and interconnection, and data opening and sharing, and provided a convenient and efficient intelligent monitoring control platform for the project operation and management. Through the new-generation information technologies like cloud computing, big data, narrow-band Internet of Things, GIS and artificial intelligence, it has realized the unified monitoring of the riverways’ on-site environment, patrol maintenance personnel and disposal conditions, the long-distance data uploading of the equipment and real-time location tracing of patrol. The operation of equipment like the steel dam, the catch basin, the lift pump and the pump brake may also be controlled in the long distance, thus realizing 24h all-weather monitoring and unmanned duty, and greatly improving the project’s operation and management efficiency.

The intelligent operation and control platform of the water environment in Yuhang Tang River, Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province

The comprehensive governance PPP project of the water environment in Yuhang Tang River, Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province includes four sub-items, namely comprehensive governance of the water system in the south district, riverway governance of Yuhang Tang River, construction of Yuhang sewage treatment factory, and construction of Mount Phoenix Park.

The project involves multiple types of equipment and complicated engineering. In order to ensure that the water quality of Yuhang Tang River and its drainage basin and construct an intelligent operation and control platform of the water environment in Yuhang basin, multiple technologies such as IoT, big data, GIS and model analysis were applied, thus realizing intelligent functions, such as real-time monitoring and risk pre-warning, joint dispatch of the plant-network-river operation, and grid operation and maintenance. The intelligent control system and mode suitable for comprehensive characteristics of the water environment were set up to create the plant-network-river integrated intelligent operation demonstration, and provide systematic, refined and scientific management tools for the water environment management and river head system work in Yuhang Tang River.

Four cases selected in the Report are the epitomes of intelligent water practice of BEWG. For multiple years, BEWG has followed the “customer-sourced” idea and kept deepening its layout in the intelligent water field by targeting at pain spots of the water market and business. Up to September 2021, BEWG’s intelligent water operation and management ability based on the group side of BECloud, covered 132 water plants, over 400 pump stations, over 600 rural sewage treatment stations, 1320km drainage pipework, and 33 water environment projects. The real-time data chain covered 177 sewage plants, realized 23 cluster projects and 1 cloud-empowering project group.

In the future, based on its long-term operation data, operation and management experience, BEWG will horizontally create the “1+N” control system based on data linkage, vertically create the whole-process control system based on intelligent control, and keep promoting the intelligent water construction. While satisfying the group’s excellent operation strategy objective, it will boost the all-round improvement of the operation and management level of the water industry through its ability output and service overflow, and contribute the water strength to the construction of new-type intelligent cities at home.
