• 尊龙凯时

    News detail

    Improve the Living Environment! BEWG and Industry Experts Discuss about New Orientations of Agricultural Pollution Governance 2021-10-18

    With the purpose of boosting the comprehensive environmental governance and infrastructure construction in urban-rural integrative development, implementing the “14th Five-year Plan”, and helping with the regulation and improvement action of rural living environment, from October 14 to 16, the 11th Water Environment Governance Forum in Chinese Villages and Small Towns & Exchange Meeting of the Technological Industry in the Village & Town Environment was held in Yixing, Jiangsu. It was guided by China Municipal Engineering Association and sponsored by Specialized Committee of Ecological Municipal Construction of China Municipal Engineering Association.

    Hang Shijun, Consultant and Chief Engineer of BEWG, Vice President Mao Jianhua, Cao Lei, Chief Inspector and General Manager of Town Business Division, Zhang Yong, General Manager Assistant of Town Business Division were invited to attend the forum. Some technicians of the group’s Product Center, Town Business Division and the South Area attended the conference, discussing about new orientations and opportunities of the living environment governance in villages and towns.

    On the first day of the forum, Hang Shijun and Zhang Yong respectively presided over some reports of the thematic unit entitled “Helping with Rural Living Environment and Improving the New Journey” and “Sewage Treatment patterns and Experience of Towns”. Hang Shijun thought highly of the wonderful speeches addressed by the industry experts and enterprise representatives.

    Mao Jianhua made the keynote speech entitled From Standardized Governance Practice of Rural Sewage to Rural Water Steward and proposed comprehensive solutions to challenges in villages, such as low quality of water supply and sewage, high cost, instability and low income by combining the practical experience of standardized governance of rural sewage.

    Mao Jianhua said that “standardization + productization” is the key to solving agricultural pollution; by realizing equipment standardization, process standardization, standardization of engineering products, operation productization and product pricing, the intelligent platform should be used to form the 5S operation and maintenance center of agricultural pollution management and adhere to the product productization path, so as to output high-quality operation, professional and managerial talents, and further create measurable and priced products through products’ industrialization paths.

    Second, the excessive cost should be solved through “intensification + collaboration”. At present, sewage treatment in towns and villages suffer from problems like single water supply in villages and excessive cost of sewage. BEWG improves the service quality through the coordination pattern of the same business type and cross-business type, thus effectively saving the construction and operation costs.

    Third, the long-term operation issue should be solved through “professionalization + integration”. Mao Jianhua cited the example of Yixing’s comprehensive village training base. The talent reserve and the training system of the rural sewage pipe network is set up on the training base; the industry-learning-research platform for rural sewage governance is created, so that it may realize simultaneous practice and training of 30 - 40 people every stage, and lay a solid foundation for the all-round professional management of Yixing’s project, including planning management, pipework management, pump station management, dispatch management, personnel management and safety management.

    Fourth, it is the solution output by the equilibrium value of “marketization + non-marketization” . BEWG brought in the marketization business to supplement the insufficient output of non-marketization, construct connections and realize intensive development. Through the cross-business coordination pattern of the water environment and energy, it constructs villages with energy self-supply and zero carbon emissions. With the site development of rural sewage treatment stations as the example, Mao Jianhua introduced that BEWG created the rural sewage treatment stations as the in-station advertising platforms, set up communication base stations, put rural e-commerce warehouses and express containers, and developed multiple operation patterns. With Wudong Village in Tangxia Town, Pengjiang District, Jiangmen City, the project realized cooperative governance, so that villagers are willing to pay the bill for the “sense of gaining”, and turn clear waters and green mountains to mountains of gold and silver. He indicated that only the productization projects boast the capitalization property; he cited the example and also introduced Yixing project company’s highlights, including the operation pattern, the transaction structure and tapping of the full potential of existing resources and the combination of industry and finance.

    Mao Jianhua finally mentioned that the rural water steward pattern integrated rural infrastructure, improved facility construction and operation quality; BEWG, as a professional steward of the government, the asset steward of capital, the environmental steward of villagers and the business steward of partners, empowered the revitalization of villages.

    Sun Wan, senior engineer of process design of BEWG Product Center, made the keynote speech Practice of BEWG pattern in Rural Sewage Governance. He illustrated the development dilemma of domestic rural business in terms of the government, enterprises and the masses, and mainly shared BEWG’s salutary experience and practices of facing the difficulty and making positive explorations.

    Sun Wan comprehensively introduced BEWG’s specific explorations in improving the system delivery capacity; by starting from the system and considering about it in the whole process, it makes an overall planning of the journey and the map, constructs a standardized technical system, sets up a standardized construction management process, and creates an excellent operation and maintenance management system. He expounded on BEWG’s accurate definition of the agricultural pollution equipment, including the single household series, the small concentrated series, the concentrated (standard) series, the concentrated (high-standard) system, the assembly series. It also promotes BEWG’s advanced experience in the rural field by integrating the formulation of industrial standards.

    BEWG provides accurate solutions for customers in terms of the whole industrial chain, including investment, design, construction, operation and maintenance, and achieves controllable costs and satisfying effects in the full life cycle, thus making users more reassured and unworried. It boasts advantages, such as stable standard, high quality, easy operation and maintenance, intelligence and good services.

    Finally, Sun Wan proposed his thoughts about new-type multi-type coordination pattern, namely the coordinated intensified development of multi-type systems, so as to further reduce pollution and achieve carbon drop coordination, including the rainwater and sewage coordination of BEWG, sewage and garbage coordination, factory and pit coordination, as well as marsh gas and fuel gas coordination with associate units subordinate to BEWG, water supply and drainage and new energy coordination, production and life coordination. He also introduced some typical cases, including the coordination plan of the water drainage units of small watersheds in Xinggezhuang under the simple coordination pattern, Deyang project under the same-type coordination pattern, and the site development of rural sewage treatment stations in Yixing under the cross-type coordination pattern.

    In the round-table dialogue, focusing on the theme “how to realize the resource utilization of rural sewage and promote ecological development of urban and rural environment in the context of peak carbon dioxide emissions, carbon neutrality and rural vitalization”, by combining the village project practice of BEWG, Zhang Yong mentioned that in this context, rural sewage could be utilized as resources and the lucid waters and lush mountains, mountains of gold and silver need to jointly develop and be synchronously achieved. Hang Shijun summarized speeches of the participating experts and conducted in-depth discussion about the theme. She held that sewage should not only be utilized as resources; attention should be paid to the whole-process carbon emission efficiency of rural sewage from source governance to final utilization, so as to better serve national strategies.

    To revitalize the nation, villages must prosper. In the future, BEWG will continue to exert its advantages, concentrate on resource element input, devote itself to technological R&D and new technology promotion, and keep creating the excellent operation ability. It will also help construct beautiful villages with prosperous industries, strong ecology, civilized customs, effective governance and rich life, keep strengthening the masses’ sense of gaining, the sense of happiness and the sense of safety, and provide strong support for comprehensively constructing a socialistic modern country. 
