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    A new breakthrough in Anhui water supply market! BEWG signed Wangjiang County Integrated Urban-Rural Water Supply Project 2021-08-27

    From August 25 to 26, the agreement signing and construction of Wangjiang County Integrated Urban-Rural Water Supply Project in Anqing City (hereinafter referred to as “Wangjiang Project”) headed by BEWG was held. The project is an important livelihood project in Wangjiang County and a new breakthrough for BEWG in the water supply market in Anhui.

    On the 25th, the construction of Wangjiang County Integrated Urban-Rural Water Supply Project was held at People’s Government of Wangjiang County. Huo Hui, Secretary of Wangjiang County Party Committee, Fang Yong, County Mayor, and the heads of the competent departments, Yu Liguo, Rotating Executive President of BEWG, Zhou Xuhui, General Manager of Eastern Region, Mou Hongli, Deputy General Manager of Eastern Region, Yang Lan, Assistant to General Manager and General Manager of Jiangsu-Anhui Eastern Region,  He Jun, Deputy General Manager of Jiangsu-Anhui Business Area, Yang Hui, Deputy General Manager of China Tiesiju Civil Engineering Group, and Hu Lianghong, Deputy Chief Engineer of China Huaxi Engineering Design and Construction Co., Ltd. witnessed the signing.

    At the signing ceremony, Huo Hui, on behalf of Wangjiang County Party Committee and County Government, extended a warm welcome to the guests who attended the signing ceremony, and briefly introduced the economic and social development of Wangjiang County in recent years. He expressed his full confidence in BEWG, and pointed out that Wangjiang County Integrated Urban-Rural Water Supply Project was a major livelihood project of great concern to the people of the County, it was also a major step to consolidate the achievements of poverty alleviation and accelerate rural revitalization, believing that under the close cooperation between the two sides, the water supply of Wangjiang County would be upgraded and radiated a new vitality.

    Yu Liguo introduced the development history, business scope and development strategy of BEWG. He said that BEWG would give full play to its corporate responsibilities, rely on its own professional advantages, build high-quality water plants, optimize the water supply network through a standardized urban-rural water supply management system, and make Wangjiang Project an industry benchmark and demonstration project, effectively contribute to the people's livelihood of Wangjiang and achieve a win-win situation of regional economic development and enterprise development.

    Afterwards, Yang Hui introduced the relevant situation of China Tiesiju Civil Engineering Group, and said that the project construction would be completed with high quality and efficiency, so as to ensure early completion, early production, and early effectiveness of the project, the public would benefit at an early date.

    On the 26th, Wangjiang County Integrated Urban-Rural Water Supply Project in Anqing City officially started. More than 200 people from Anhui Provincial Water Resources, Anqing City, Wangjiang County, townships and project construction units attended the project opening ceremony. Cui Li, second-level inspector of Anhui Provincial Water Resources, Huo Hui, Secretary of Wangjiang County Party Committee, Yu Liguo, Rotating Executive President of BEWG, and Yang Hui, Deputy General Manager of China Tiesiju Civil Engineering Group, delivered speeches respectively. Liu Kesheng, Deputy Mayor of Anqing City, announced the start of the project.

    The Wangjiang project is a major achievement of BEWG's implementation of the asset-light strategy. The successful signing of the project fills the gap in water supply market in Anhui and provides a good experience and foundation for the Group to achieve diversified development in the regional water market.

    The Wangjiang project is implemented in EPCO mode, the cooperation period is 28 years, of which the construction period is 3 years and the operation period is 25 years. The project implementation includes the construction and expansion of 4 water plants, the construction and renovation of 4 new water intake pump stations, the total operation scale after construction is 115,000 tons per day; the construction and reconstruction of 1,396 kilometers of water transmission and distribution pipelines. After the completion of the project, it will effectively solve the problems of water source, water quality, water quantity of residents in Wangjiang County, which is of great significance to improve the happiness index of the people and promote the harmonious development of regional social economy.
