1. 尊龙凯时

      News detail

      Only wind and rain can show the loyal heart. BEWG builds a safety line of urban water supply! 2021-08-05

      Entering the "Early July to late August" main flood season, all parts of the country have suffered extreme weather such as rainstorms and typhoons. According to the Meteorological Bureau, recently, Typhoon No. 9 "Lupi" has made landfall, bringing heavy storm and rain. Whenever there is special weather, the safety of drinking water related to people's livelihood will always become the most concerned problem of the people, which is also the most concerned problem of BEWG.

      Water supply is an indispensable part of people's life. BEWG has more than 60 water supply project companies across the country, with an operation scale of 9million tons/day, including Guangdong Heshan project, Fujian Nan'an project, Anping project, Henan Luoyang project, Nanyang project, Jiyuan project, etc., which have been affected by typhoons and rainstorms recently. Then, in the face of sudden natural disasters such as rainstorms and floods, how do the water supply companies under BEWG ensure the safety of water supply, water pressure and quality? I invited Li Zhitao, a water supply expert from BEWG Operation and Management Center, to reveal the secret for us.

      Li Zhitao introduced that preparation in advance, response in the process and summary after the event are three essential stages; Personal safety, water quality safety, water supply security and property safety are the four aspects of the focus of BEWG.

      Adequate preparation in advance

      All water supply enterprises attach great importance to the daily preparations before the rainstorm and flood warning.

      Each water supply enterprise shall formulate the flood control emergency plan to clarify the composition and responsibilities of the emergency organization, event level, event response procedures and measures at all levels, post-treatment and other contents.

      All water supply enterprises need to carry out drills against the plan on a regular basis in strict accordance with the regulations, and complete the drills before the arrival of the flood season every year.

      In the daily inspection and maintenance, all water supply enterprises strictly inspect the drainage pumps, drainage pipelines, drainage ditches (canals), drainage valves and other flood control equipment and facilities, and deal with abnormalities in time to ensure that the equipment is intact and can operate normally, and that the drainage pipelines and canals are unblocked and can be drained normally.

      Water supply enterprises need to be equipped with flood control materials such as submersible pumps, fire hoses, sandbags, life jackets, helmets, raincoats, rain shoes, etc. on a daily basis, and regularly check the quantity and status to ensure that the flood control materials are complete and intact

      Orderly response in the process

      After the rainstorm and flood warning is issued and during the flood control period, we should do our best to avoid chaos in the face of danger.

      After the weather forewarning is issued, all water supply enterprises shall notify all staff to prepare for flood control at the first time, familiarize themselves with the flood control emergency plan again, be ready to put into flood control emergency work at any time, emphasize and supervise the flood control and rescue personnel to do good job protection, and employees can’t go out without important things to ensure personal safety. The whole staff quickly rechecked the drainage equipment and facilities such as drainage pumps, drainage pipelines, drainage ditches (channels) in the plant to ensure normal drainage; Ensure that sufficient quantity of sewage purifying chemicals and disinfectants to prevent the increase ofsewage purifying chemicals and disinfectants in flood season, and alleviate and avoid the difficulties in the purchase and transportation of chemicals after disaster; At the same time, immediately strengthen inspection of important water supply pipelines, valves and manholes, and deal with problems in time before the rainstorm, so as to ensure the normal status of pipelines and valves and the safety of manholes.

      During the rainstorm and flood control period, the middle-level and above leaders of the water supply company must be on duty, orderly respond according to the duty of emergency plan and division of work; Increase the frequency of water quality testing, and timely adjust the dosage and process according to the quality of source water and factory water; At the same time, the inspection frequency is increased through the combination of online monitoring and offline inspection, and personnel are organized to repair and maintain in time in case of abnormal conditions, so as to fully ensure the safety of water supply quality. Once there is a limited supply of water, the water supply project company will distribute water reasonably in the principle of giving priority to the protection of key sensitive customers (hospitals, schools, etc.) and residential use and post industrial consumption; Clean and disinfect the emergency water delivery vehicle regularly, and be ready to deliver water to areas that cannot normally supply water due to disasters at any time, so as to make every effort to ensure that users drink safe water in time.

      Summarize in time afterwards

      After the flood season, all water supply project companies shall evaluate and summarize the flood control work in a timely manner, so as to achieve closed-loop management, keep improving and continuously improve the work in the flood season. It includes three key concerns.

      Each water supply project company shall check whether the production equipment and facilities are damaged by rainstorm and flood, and whether all details of water supply are affected, and deal with and restore the problems in time.

      Review and analyze the advantages and disadvantages of flood control and emergency support period, optimize response measures, and revise and optimize the emergency plan according to the summary of this experience and lessons when necessary.

      Evaluate the performance of all departments and employees during the flood control period, reward the good and fine the bad to create a strong water supply support team.

      To prevent extreme weather and ensure the safety of water supply, we should deal with it in advance. Li Zhitao said that preparation and prevention are the key points that every water supply project company of BEWG must attach great importance to and carefully implement, so as to better respond to emergencies, so as to minimize the impact of disasters, ensure safe and stable water supply, and firmly hold the lifeline of water supply.

      The alternation of high temperature and rainfall, and the epidemic enters into a special period again, urban water supply and water quality safety are of great concern. BEWG water supplier  always practice the principles and requirements of "water quality safety is the red line, water supply guarantee is the bottom line, and high-quality service is the main line". They are ready to take responsibility as their spirit, stick to the forefront of water quality safety, strive for "government reassurance, public satisfaction", and spare no effort to protect the safety of household water consumption .
