• 尊龙凯时

    News detail

    Group leaders pay a visit to the Daoxianghu Reclaimed Water Plant to conduct safety inspections, special research and guidance 2021-06-24

    On the occasion of the month of safety production, to eliminate potential safety hazards and prevent safety liability accidents, BEWG strictly implemented the requirements of the State Council and Beijing’s safety work instructions, did a solid job in the safety management of grass-roots projects to create a safe and stable environment for the centenary of the founding of the Communist Party of China (CPC). On June 23, Li Yongcheng, Vice Chairman and Executive Deputy General Manager of BEWG, and Chairman of the Board of Beijing Enterprises Holdings Limited (BEHL), Chairman of the Board of Beijing Enterprises Group Company Limited, Ke Jian, Vice President of BEHL, and Executive Director of BEWG, and Zhou Min, President of BEWG, and Wang Zhuqian, Vice President of BEWG, went to BEWG’s Beijing Daoxianghu Reclaimed Water Plant project to carry out special inspections on production safety and conducted on-site investigations on the construction of modern factories.

    Li Yimin, general manager of the safety and environmental protection department of BEHL, and Zhou Xueyan, integrated business manager of BEHL, accompanied the inspection. An Yingyu, general manager of Product Center of BEWG, Xue Xiaofei, executive vice president of BEWG’s Research Institute, Li Dan, head of project delivery center, and Liu Zhen, general manager of Beijing business area of the northern region, accompanied the whole process and made a special report.

    The inspection team first listened to the reports on the work safety of the northern region and the project companies, and checked the relevant materials and system documents of the project safety management in detail. Subsequently, the inspection team conducted a centralized inspection of each production area of the water plant, and conducted a detailed inspection of the main links and key parts related to the key areas of operation, carried out special inspections on fire protection, limited space operations, and safe use of electricity based on the characteristics of the underground building structure in the plant area.

    Combined with the inspection content, the inspection team affirmed the overall situation of the project and the on-site situation, and put forward rectification opinions on the details of project safety records and system construction.

    Li Yongcheng emphasized four requirements in light of the current critical situation of safe production: First, we must further establish and improve the safety management system at all levels to ensure that responsibilities are decomposed level by level and put in place level by level; second, the daily operation of the water plant should be fully integrated with star-level management and control requirements so as to further normalize and standardize the installation of safety facilities and the provision of safety materials to build a solid foundation for safety; third, we must continue to intensify training employees’ safety, strictly implement job training and special drills, and improve employees’ risk identification capabilities and emergency handling abilities; fourth, we must strengthen the importance of daily safety management, always have a sense of urgency, always maintain a high sense of sensitivity and responsibility, especially in the centenary of the founding of the Party, and also do a good job in basic stability maintenance work. Regarding the development of Daoxianghu Reclaimed Water Plant, he pointed out that it is necessary to further optimize and upgrade the plant based on the current situation, and strive to make the water plant an operational project with a demonstration effect in the industry.

    Focusing on the follow-up work of safety production, Zhou Min stated that BEWG must promptly communicate and implement the policies and requirements concerning safety production at all levels to ensure the group’s integrated and coordinated operation from top to bottom and respond in a timely manner; special attention should be paid to first-line operation projects for the control of the process and flow in the production and operation to prevent minor problems, fundamentally eliminate safety risks and hidden dangers, and ensure stable operation. In view of the effect of project modernization, it is necessary to focus on the presentation effect of the on-site display link, and focus on the intuitive and comprehensive application of science and technology in combination with the application of the intelligent platform.

    As a key project of the group in Beijing, Daoxianghu Reclaimed Water Plant is one of the important windows for the group's external image display. The construction of the modern factory not only improves the overall environment of the factory area and demonstrates modern industrial aesthetics, but also upgrades various safety facilities in the factory. In addition, with the construction of the group’s “1+N” intelligent operation platform, the Daoxianghu Reclaimed Water Plant, which serves as the central station, radiates various operating projects in the Beijing business area, and has initially realized centralized management and control model, and laid a solid foundation for delicacy management and production stability.

    The Daoxianghu Reclaimed Water Plant project will take modernization as the starting point, combined with the group's star-level enterprise creation, intelligent management and control and other improvement measures, focus on high-quality operation and brand display, and strive to create high-quality projects and benchmark projects.

    Next, all projects of BEWG will take this inspection as an opportunity to further implement safety risk self-inspection and rectification work, eliminate hidden risks, and effectively improve safety guarantee capabilities, so as to lay a solid foundation for the group's high-quality development.

