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    5G coverage in BEWG water plants, first in the industry 2021-04-26

    “New infrastructure” is hot! In 2020, the most exciting primary market investment topic is “new infrastructure”.  

    “New infrastructure” refers to “new style infrastructure construction”. It is defined officially by the National Development and Reform Commission to include: information infrastructure, integration infrastructure, and innovation infrastructure. This official definition may bring a bright future to the traditional infrastructure construction industry.

    Important! New infrastructure must be supported by 5G


    In the new direction of new infrastructure defined by the NDRC, the focus is information infrastructure based on 5G infrastructure, Internet of Things, industrial Internet, satellite Internet, artificial intelligence, cloud computing, blockchain, data centers, and intelligent computing centers, with more attention to technological innovations such as digitization and intelligence.

    On 6 June 2019, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) officially issued licenses for the three major domestic telecommunications operators and China Broadcast Network to operate 5G networks, making the official unveiling of China's 5G network construction.

    As the water industry leader, BEWG is keeping a close eye on ICT development, so the BEWG-led Smart Water Professional Committee of China Water Association is to integrate industrial knowledge into advanced technology, to actively promote and lead the industry digitization and reform.

    After the 5G licensing, BEWG is actively making technical communications with operators, to explore the 5G-based industrial network practice of intelligent water governance. 5G is featuring large bandwidth, low latency, and large concurrency, while the water industry is featuring multiple networked devices, coexisting data streams/video streams, and high requirements for real-time data, which all coincide with 5G, and some water plants are remote without convenient cable network, which encourages the installation of 5G network. At the same time, 5G network slicing and 5G Multi-Access Edge Computing (MEC) can also provide the end-to-end high-reliability and high-security communication guarantee, and provide reliable support for the construction of a safe and reliable water industry Internet.


    5G water plant! 5G + industry application rolls out firstly!

    In November 2019, BEWG completed the 5G coverage of Telecom and Unicom signals at Beijing Daoxianghu Reclaimed Water Plant, and the 5G coverage of Unicom signals at Beijing Qinghe Beiyuan Sewage Treatment Plant, being the first example of the industry. In February 2020, the Group completed the 5G coverage at headquarters building.

    Along with the Group’s operational model innovation, BEWG is actively exploring and practising industrial Internet system application at intelligent water sector, integrating 5G and other technology to solidify and regulate water industry control network, covering 5G video surveillance, 5G + cloud dedicated lines, 5G + SD-WAN, and personnel management in water plant parks. After operators’ field tests, the network performance has been greatly improved compared to the previous ones, and the bandwidth measurement speed can reach more than 880Mb/sec. In the future, the network structure at water plants can be greatly simplified, providing a solid foundation for the implementation of intelligent water plants.

    5G technology can help the water industry's operations become more flexible and efficient, while improving safety and reducing maintenance costs. Through the 5G mobile network, it is convenient to realize the remote control, monitoring and reconfiguration of water plants, allowing smart devices and equipment to integrate with cloud optimization algorithms to optimize themselves in real time. In addition, the 5G network continues to provide enhanced network quality, and supports the required high bandwidth and low latency. It can provide remote assistance with human-computer interaction and augmented reality (AR) assistance technology. Remote experts can use the high-speed 5G network to instruct site workers to solve problems in real time; at the same time, 5G can support large-connected application scenarios, making it possible to deploy and connect more monitoring points.

    Currently, BEWG is combining smart water business with development demands, gradually advance the 5G+ industry applications, and is invited to join the Unicom 5G Application Innovation Alliance and becomes its member entity, to jointly explore the 5G-based industrial Internet performance, and use 5G technology to build fully connected water plants with 5G+ smart water meter, 5G+ remote expert guidance, 5G+ real-time monitoring, 5G+ unmanned inspection and other application scenarios.

