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    At the 1+X Certificate Pilot Work Illustration Meeting, BEWG Revealed These Messages... 2021-03-24

     To thoroughly implement the requirements of the “National Vocational Education Reform Implementation Plan”, the “Pilot Program on Implementing the System of ‘Academic Certificate + Certain Vocational Skill Level Certificate’ in Vocational Colleges and Schools” and other related policies and documents, promote relevant colleges, schools and enterprises to understand the standards and pilot procedures of 1+X Vocational Skill Level Certificate (hereinafter referred to as “1+X Certificate”), and actively carry out the “1+X Certificate” pilot work, on March 23, BEWG held an online technical illustration meeting on the “1+X Certificate” pilot work of “Smart Water Plant Operation and Regulation” and “Water Environment Monitoring and Governance”, and representatives from more than 100 environmental protection colleges and enterprises across China attended the meeting online.   

    What is 1+X certificate?

     “1” is the academic certificate, and “X” is the certain vocational skill level certificate. The academic certificate fully reflects the quality of talent training of school education, while vocational skill level certificate is a proof of the vocational skill level of graduates and members of society, which reflects the comprehensive ability required for occupational activities and personal career development.  

    “1” is the foundation, “X” is the supplement, enhancement and expansion of “1”, and the connection and integration of them is the essence of the “1+X” certificate system. The “1+X” certificate contributes to the integration of education standards and corporate standards, serves as an effective carrier for the integration of industry and education and school-enterprise cooperation, and is an important breakthrough in national vocational education reform in the new era.   

    What are the important contents revealed at the online technical illustration meeting of 1+X certificate pilot work of BEWG ?

    Yu Liguo, senior vice president of BEWG, dean of BEWG Water School and director of the 1+X Project Department, delivered a speech at the illustration meeting. He pointed out that the Party Central Committee and the State Council have made a series of important decisions and arrangements for vocational education reform, and starting the pilot work of 1+X certificate system in vocational colleges and application-oriented universities is an important measure to improve the quality of talent training, and is also a model innovation that promotes the transformation of traditional teaching concepts as well as a basic project to explore the establishment of a national qualifications framework.  

    Yu Liguo said that based on on its advantages in the eco-environmental protection industry, school-enterprise cooperation, etc., BEWG will practice the BEWG talent strategy to promote vocational education model innovation by starting with the two 1+X certificates for “Smart Water Plant Operation and Regulation” and “Water Environment Monitoring and Governance” , and work with the partner institutions to integrate corporate practical experience into such key tasks  as faculty building, curriculum/materials development, and online evaluation promotion of 1+X certificate to provide versatile talents for the environmental protection industry and facilitate the  intensive development of higher education.  

    As a booster to promote the reform of “three educations”, the 1+X certificate system plays an important role in strengthening the supply-side reform of vocational education and the inner construction of colleges and schools. Therefore, Xue Rui, expert advisor of 1+X certificate standard development was specially invited to deliver a keynote speech entitled “Advancing the 1+X Certificate System, and Deepening the Reform of the ‘Three Educations’” , which focuses on the nature and core of the 1+X certificate system, implementation ideas and design plans,  deepened reform of “teacher, teaching materials and teaching methods”, etc.

    Since the end of December 2020 when BEWG was selected into the fourth batch of 1+X certificate pilot list, and the two 1+X certificates have been welcomed and supported by many colleges and schools. Liu Zhensheng, deputy chief engineer of equipment of the Operation and Management Center of BEWG, and Liu Xiaomei, product director of the Product Center of BEWG, were invited to interpret the professional skill standards of “Smart Water Plant Operation and Regulation” and “Water Environment Monitoring and Governance”, respectively. They mainly introduced the background of certificate development, basic information of certificate, classification and requirements of vocational skill level, compilation of supporting teaching materials, as well as talent training goals, etc.  

    In addition, Wu Tonghua, director of the Department of Environmental Engineering of Changsha Environmental Protection College, and Shen Luwei, head of the teaching and research section of the Environmental Engineering Technology Department of Jiangxi Environmental Engineering Vocational College were also invited to share their research on the teaching mode of promoting the integration of class, certificate, competition by starting with the 1+X certificate system and their experience in 1+X certificate pilot work, respectively.  

    Ji Guangpeng, deputy general manager of the Human Resources Center of BEWG, deputy dean of the BEWG Water School, and executive director of the 1+X Project Department, made a summary report on the 2021 plan of the 1+X certificate pilot work. He clarified a series of work deployment plans including upgrading the talent training program on the basis of school-enterprise cooperation, building three functional platforms, establishing workbook-style teaching materials, building a “double professionally-titled” team, constructing a large-scale shared training base, innovating the training and assessment mode, etc., and promoting the progress of the 1+X pilot work and creating an organizational paradigm for training evaluation through the implementation of basic work, output of highlight results, etc.     
    With the acceleration of industrial upgrading and economic restructuring, the demand for technical and skilled talents in all walks of life is increasingly urgent, and vocational education is playing an increasingly important role. Under the background of great reform and development of vocational education, in order to better cultivate the talents actually required by the enterprises and serve the personal career development of students, BEWG will take the 1+X certificate pilot work as an opportunity, and work with vocational colleges and application-oriented universities to strive to combine professional knowledge with practical experience in the first-line industry, and apply them into the college curriculum system, professional construction, teacher training and talents employment, so as to provide high-quality talent guarantee for industrial transformation and upgrading and high-quality development, and make the process of education an artistic career.  