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    BEWG Digitization -- HR domain data governance meeting 2020-12-29

    On the morning of 28 December 2020, BEWG Digitization -- HR Domain Data Governance Project Initiating Meeting was held at Group HQ, with the theme of “cohesion and digitization”. More than 400 persons were present at the meeting online and offline, including the senior management team of BEWG, the main leaders of Beijing Enterprises Urban Resources Group, all the direct cadres of BEWG, the human resources line, the corporate management line, the financial resources line, the digital research institute and the Chinasoft International consulting team, etc.
    At the beginning of the meeting, Mr. YU Liguo, Senior Vice President of the Group, issued a project mobilization order. Mr. YU said that after six months, the Group has designed a blueprint for digital planning to support future business development; in the critical period of transitionand renovation, BEWG should actively explore digitization paths, break through transitional traps, and open up a new blue ocean for corporate business, to provide strong support for the Group's future transition and reform. He emphasized that the key to the digitization is to change thoughts and concepts, so entire members of the Group should embrace the change and complete the digital lesson.
    Regarding the digital consensus of the Group's human resources and the independence and sharing of human resource data, Mr. YU pointed out that the data governance project in the human resources domain, as the first implementation of the Group's digitization project, will lay a solid foundation for increasing the Group’s organization capabilities, improving talent management efficiency, process optimization and other aspects, and provide a useful reference for the Group's subsequent digitization project.
    At the meeting, Mr. ZAHAO Zhen, the leader of the management digitization working group, made a brief report on the Group's digital planning achievements this year, around digital goals, digital planning methodology, digital planning results and implementation ideas. Mr. ZHAO pointed out that digitization is a process of rationally re-architecting corporate business capabilities between business, applications, data and technology; in the context of the "dual platform" strategy, it’s a process of optimizing group business transformation based on data and digital technology iteration; a process of every BEWG worker to improve their ideas, actively participate in, and improve our own digital literacy, so as to achieve the digitization of BEWG.
    Mr. ZHANG Lei, deputy general manager of the Group's Human Resources Center, gave a keynote speech titled "Data Driven Human Resource Management Transformation". Mr. ZHANG said that in the trend of digitization, the digitization of human resources involves all-round changes and upgrades in organizational form, corporate culture and leadership. Based on the dilemma of traditional human resource management combined with Huawei's organizational practice of "Enabling Center + Combat Unit", he focused on the transformation of the future sharing model, sharing implementation path and key steps of BEWG human resources. He emphasized that data is the basic support for the digitization of human resources and will further drive the transformation of human resources, helping business activities to better turn customer-based.
    On the journey of HR digitization, South Region of the Group took the lead in exploring and experimenting. Mr. ZHAO Long, HR Director of South Region, shared a special report on "Exploration of Human Resource Management Digitization in South Region". From the background of the problems faced by human resource management in the South Region, he focused on the introduction of the South Region HR digital intelligent platform setup, the ideas, methods, practices and results of promoting the transformation of HR management to value creation. He pointed out that organizational guarantee and time investment are the prerequisites for the success of digitization; the unification of data specifications and business rules is the foundation, and the implementation of project management is the guarantee.
    In the second half of the meeting, combined with the results of the previous research on the current situation of the data governance project in the human resources domain, Mr. CAO Yong, Vice President of Data Service of Chinasoft International, interpreted the progress of the project based on the four parts: project background, project positioning, project phase results and project value. Mr. CAO said that the human resource domain data governance project, as the first cornerstone of the BEWG digitization, will not only provide experience and reference for subsequent projects, products, customers, suppliers and other subject domain data standardization, but also further promote the process standardization of human resources business, and promote the optimization of the functional architecture, data architecture and technical architecture of the human resources system.
    Group President Mr. ZHOU Min made the conclusive address, and expressed that digital assets are important strategic resources at national, industrial and corporate levels, digital transition is effective path of traditional industry to build new development drive, and for the purpose of BEWG, digitization is required but not optional, and we should tap corporate data value deeply, find new business value points, and realize self-evolution of the enterprise.
    Mr. ZHOU stressed that group digitization planning should start from practical business, based on strategic top structure design, should progress in concert systematically, and should adjust dynamically along with group strategy iteration. He pointed out that digitization is not built in one day, it requires entire workers to participate in, break stereotyped mindsets, gather the ideas and efforts, work hand in hand to realize corporate strategic objectives, and lead to corporate and industrial high quality development.
    By the chance of digitization, BEWG is already on the path of digital transition, from management to production, from organization to process, from business to specifications, every step is toward digitization. Currently, China is facing a great change never seen for a century, Chinese development comes to a new stage, and Chinese socialism is undergoing a critical opportunity for fully modernization, so BEWG will speed up the digitization, continue optimizing elements allocation, nurture new drive with digitization, drive new growth, and solidify the digital “base” for the group light assets transition and high quality development.
