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BEWG cooperates with Xi'an University of Architecture and Technology 2020-11-02

On the afternoon of 30 October 2020, the signing and licensing ceremony of the school-enterprise cooperation between BEWG and Xi'an University of Architecture and Technology took place at Yanta campus of this university. This agreement will further promote the complementarity of the advantages of both parties, promote the organic connection of the education chain, the talent chain, the industrial chain, and the innovation chain, incubate advanced technologies, train high-end compound talents with strong professionalism and practicality, and jointly create new models of industry-education integration.
Mr. YU Liguo, Senior Vice President of BEWG, Dean of BEWG College and his delegation; Mr. HUANG Tinglin, Vice President of Xi'an University of Architecture and Technology, heads of relevant departments of the university and all members of the School of Environmental and Municipal Engineering attended the signing ceremony. Mr. REN Yongxiang, Dean of School of Environmental and Municipal Engineering, presided over the signing ceremony.
Mr. HUANG cordially welcomed the BEWG delegation, and introduced the history, philosophy, advantages and prospect of XAUAT. He expressed that to open school running, promote school- enterprise cooperation, is the long-term philosophy of this university, and also an important measure for universities to serve the socioeconomic development and push industrial progress. XAUAT will also take this school-enterprise cooperation as an opportunity, relying on the XAUAT’s superior disciplines, to conduct all-round cooperation with BEWG in the fields of technology development and outcome application, education cooperation and personnel training, technical consulting and services, among others, to jointly build a scientific research and outcome sharing platform, and strive to create a typical example  of school-enterprise cooperation.
Mr. YU Liguo expressed his respect and gratitude to XAUAT for its great attention and hard work in the cooperation between the two parties, and introduced the history, services, advantages of BEWG and the exploration and practice in industry-education integration. He said that as a leader in the environmental industry, BEWG aims at pain points such as "industry", "education", "capital" and "government", and conforms to the development trend of the industry, and has established the BEWG College and China Eco-Environmental Industry-Education Alliance. The Alliance aims to train more "customized", "grounded" and "practical" professional and technical talents for the country and the industry. XAUAT is a well-known university in the industry with strong scientific research faculty. It is hoped that both parties can give full play to their respective advantages in personnel training, scientific research, and outcome application in the future to form a close cooperation of "sharing talents, process management, responsibility, and results", to promote the ever-lasting environmental industry.
On the signing ceremony, Mr. HUANG and Mr. YU executed the strategic agreement for school-enterprise cooperation, then Mr. HUANG on behalf of XAUAT issued the letter of appointment of part-time professor to Mr. YU and Mr. XUE Xiaofei, executive deputy dean of BEWG Research Institute. Mr. WANG Jinsong, Secretary of the Party Committee of the School of Environmental and Municipal Engineering, on behalf of the university, issued the letter of appointment of off-campus tutors to: Mr. JI Guangpeng, Deputy General Manager of BEWG Human Resources Center and Deputy Dean of BEWG College; Mr. LIU Shenghong, Deputy General Manager of West Region; Mr. ZHOU Hao, Deputy General Manager of West Region; and Mr. XU Junyi, Chief Engineer of West Region. Both parties mutually awarded the titles of "Talent Training Base", "Employment Practice and Social Practice Base" and "Off-campus Innovation and Entrepreneurship Education Practice Base". 
In the seminar, the two parties made in-depth communication in respect of joint training, talents exchange, subject research, innovation & entrepreneurship, apprentice & practice, joint R&D, outcome application among others, and reached many agreements. After the seminar, Mr. YU and his delegation visited the history museum of the university and the key laboratory of the School of Environmental and Municipal Engineering.
XAUAT is jointly built by Shaanxi Government, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development and the Ministry of Education. It is a multi-disciplinary university featuring civil engineering, environmental and municipal, materials and metallurgy and other related disciplines. It is a national civil engineering, environmental, municipal and material university. An important training base for metallurgical talents. The university has always attached great importance to the practice of innovation and entrepreneurship education for students, committed to cultivating students' innovative spirit, entrepreneurial awareness, and creative ability, and actively explores new models of innovation and entrepreneurship education.
Recently, BEWG and XAUAT is always in close partnership, exploring new domains of cooperation.
In 2018, in the first China "Internet +" Ecological Environment Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition, XAUAT won in the project of "a remote intelligent drinking water quality improving group user terminal equipment";
In 2019, the XAUAT School of Environmental and Municipal Engineering officially became a vice chair entity of the China Eco-Environmental Industry-Education Alliance, laying a solid foundation for in-depth cooperation with BEWG;
In 2020, XAUAT listed China "Internet +" Ecological Environment Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition into its national level 2 competition program, to boost innovation and entrepreneurship.
Backed on BEWG talent development strategy and BEWG College platform, the Group is actively responding to national policies and continuously deepen the school-enterprise cooperation.
As early as in 2011, BEWG and Tsinghua University jointly established the "Tsinghua-BEWG Environmental Industry Joint Research Institute". In recent years, BEWG has successively signed the "School-Enterprise Cooperation Agreement" with 27 "academic" universities such as Harbin Institute of Technology, Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture (BUCEA), Hohai University, Beijing Normal University, Xi'an University of Architecture and Technology (XAUAT), in order to build a cooperative platform for scientific and technological outcomes application; signed contracts with 36 “applied” colleges and universities such as Shandong Water Conservancy Vocational College, Hebei University of Environmental Engineering (HUEE), Changsha Environmental Protection Technology Vocational College etc., to set up “Talent Training Program-Order Class” and train more than 100 operation management reserve students, in order to reserve outstanding talents and optimize the talent structure.
In the future, BEWG will further improve the school-enterprise cooperation mechanism, try to establish the vertical talent value chains of “industry, academia, research, application and innovation”, to work hand in hand with more higher education institutions, strengthen collaborative cooperation in respect of talents cooperation, resources sharing, scientific cooperation, outcome application etc, drive the interconnection with academic and applied schools, and provide innovative, composite, excellent talents for BEWG or even the entire environmental industry.
