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3rd E2 Summit: new start of intelligent integration 2020-09-30

On 30 September 2020, the 3rd E2 Summit took place at Beijing Xindadu International Conference Center (北京新大都国际会议中心). This conference was themed "e²Future - Joint Development", aiming to strengthen industry consensus, explore industrial development and lead industrial progress through the dialogues between leading enterprises in the industry. Mr. ZHOU Min, BEWG President; Mr. LI Li, Executive President; Mr. LIU Yongzheng, Deputy General Manager of Beijing Capital Group and Chairman of Beijing Capital; Mr. YANG Bin, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and General Manager of Beijing Capital, led their respective management and relevant business leaders to attend the summit.
E2 Summit was jointly initiated by BEWG and Beijing Capital in 2018, aiming to deepen industrial communication and cooperation and promote industrial development, through dialogues between leading enterprises of the industry. So far, the summit has been hosted for 3 consecutive years, with good effects, winning general attention from the industry.
The two parties firstly shared sincerely on the topics of flagship enterprise positioning, technological development, digital transition among others in the environmental industry, based on industrial status quo and future development, and then made systematic elaboration considering their respective typical cases. Both parties believe that the current ecological environment governance problems are complicated, diversified, compounded, multi-source coexistent, and multi-mode superimposed, so it is necessary to solve hard problems through technological innovation, in technology, equipment, materials, informatization, and intelligentization. At present, the central government attaches great importance to and supports technological innovation. As the industry leaders, the "Two Giants in Beijing" should increase attention to technologically innovative environmental enterprises, support the development of innovative enterprises through equity investment and other means, and promote the joint progress of the industry.
Mr. ZHOU Min expressed that there are major changes in industrial policies, governance trades, participating entities and governance ideas, which poses higher requirements for industry systematicality and integrity, so the future industry will demand smart talents to develop together and actively move, gather more environmental enterprises through ecological strategy for joint development, create eco- environmental main forces altogether, and satisfy the complicated ecological governance demands, and fully win the battle against pollution. He mentioned that both parties should transform from current point cooperation to long run cooperation, thus realize platform-based cooperation, and expand cooperation in capital operation, technology R&D. technical acquisition, talents training, standards setting among other fields and dimensions.
Mr. ZHOU pointed out that we should construct corporate platform from inside, form empowering capabilities to the inside, thus empower the outside, to realize industrial data connection and sharing, ecologic enterprise connection and co-construction, industrial service development and empowerment, and meanwhile, actively exercise corporate social responsibilities, give full play to the industry leading enterprise’s good demonstrative role, promote the ongoing change and innovative development of environmental industry, and fully boost the construction of beautiful China.
Mr. LIU YONG Zheng described the industrial changes as storm and big waves. acing the new pattern of the industry, Mr. LIU said that for the "14th Five-Year Plan", Beijing Capital Group will focus on the main channel, adhere to long-term valueism, and create differentiated core competitiveness through technological innovation, technological integration, lean operation and smart operation. As to cooperation between the two parties, he believes that Beijing Capital and BEWG have competition, cooperation, differences, and consensus; in recent years, the two parties have achieved outstanding results on respective development paths. At present, in the face of unprecedented changes in the environmental industry, both parties should assess the situation, follow the trend, change with time, and share the responsibilities of industry leaders.
This E2 Summit attracted many media attentions from inside and outside the industry. More than 20 heavyweight media including People's Daily Online, Economic Daily, and China Securities News reported on the scene, and for the first time, BEWG and Beijing Capital jointly faced the media for open exchanges. Mr. ZHOU Min, President of BEWG; Mr. LI Li, Executive President; Mr. YANG Guang, Senior Vice President; Mr. LIU Yongzheng, Deputy General Manager and Chairman of Beijing Capital Group; Mr. YANG Bin, Deputy Secretary and General Manager of Beijing Capital Group; and Mr. HE Yuanping, Chairman of Zhongxing Instruments (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. (中兴仪器(深圳)有限公司) attended the media meeting.
Talking about future of the industry, both parties expressed that in the past 10 years, the environmental industry made leapfrog development, and the total investment increased from RMB 4.17 trillion during the "Twelfth Five-Year Plan" period to approximately RMB 17 trillion during the "Thirteenth Five-Year Plan" period. Looking to the future, the environmental industry will move towards providing high-quality professional services and creating long-term values, while environmental services will pay more attention to providing integrated, systematic and comprehensive solutions.
Mr. LI Li expressed that in face of century-rare great change, looking forward to the trillion yuan big market of environmental protection, the ecological civilization construction is already in the critical stage to provide more quality ecologic products to meet the increasing demands for better ecologic environment from the people. In this background, BEWG will always persist in the original ambition of environmental protection, fully respond to national key strategies, speed up light assets transition, further enhance financing ability, system solutions ability and excellent operational ability, and continuously strengthen the technical properties and scientific properties; meanwhile, the Group will consistently build the platform-based enterprise, thus extensively link with internal and external resources, and fully empower ecological partners, to form a smart, professional, low-carbon, efficient social service system, and better promote the industry quality reform, efficiency reform and drive reform. In the future, the two parties will continuously conduct helpful attempts and active explorations, for fully empowering the industry and boosting industry high quality, sustainable development, and meanwhile contributing professionally to China’s ecological civilization construction and the worldwide water pollution control.
Mr. YANG Bin expressed that, in face of the new pattern brought about by the "14th Five-Year Plan" of great opportunities, great development, and great landing, Beijing Capital Group will adhere to the leadership of technology and innovation, and regard the release of productivity brought about by technology as the core element of the supply side of the business system. Beijing Capital and BEWG will continue to deepen pragmatic cooperation, add confidence to the industry and the field, and vitalize Chinese innovative environmental enterprises.
Why the river is so clear? Because there is a source of water. E2 Summit will push the bipartite cooperation to a new height, and revitalize the industry development. In the future, BEWG and Beijing Capital will continuously deepen cooperation, explore jointly and contribute important forces to the industry innovation and development.
BEWG Vice President Ms. WANG Zhupin, Vice President Mr. LI Ai, Vice President Mr. LIU Weiyan, Vice President Mr. MAO Jianhua and other senior management from both parties, as well as Mr. HOU Qicai, General Manager of Beijing Enterprises Financial Services (尊龙凯时金服) among others were present at the summit.
