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Leaders of Beijing Enterprises Group Company Limited Visited BEWG to Investigate and Inspect the Epidemic Prevention and Control as well as the Production and Operation Work 2020-02-18

On the afternoon of February 17, Tian Zhenqing, secretary of the Party Committee and chairman of Beijing Enterprises Group Company Limited, and Li Yongcheng, vice chairman, executive deputy general manager of Beijing Enterprises Group Company Limited, and chairman of the Board of Directors of BEWG, visited the headquarters of BEWG to investigate and inspect the epidemic prevention and control and resumption of work after the holiday. They emphasized that epidemic prevention and control is the top priority of the Group’s work at this stage. It is necessary to thoroughly implement the decisions and deployments of the Party Central Committee, the State Council, the municipal party committee and municipal government, and the municipal SASAC, and implement various prevention and control measures to resolutely win the battle against the epidemic and ensure smooth and orderly progress of various production and operation tasks. 
Tian Zhenqing pointed out that it is necessary to resolutely implement the relevant spirit of higher authorities, always take prevention and control work as the first priority, actively support and participate in joint prevention and control, group prevention and group control, self-prevention and self-control, and implement the “four-party responsibilities” to strictly prevent the import and spread of epidemic, and secure a complete victory in the fight against the epidemic. Meanwhile, faced with the ever-changing situation of epidemic prevention and control, it is necessary to closely follow up, analyze in a timely manner, act quickly, carry out all tasks in a firm and tireless manner, and attach equal importance to epidemic prevention and control, as well as production and operation, so as to effectively guarantee the realization of production and operation goals in 2020.
Zhou Min, president of BEWG, Li Li, executive president of BEWG, Yang Guang and Yu Liguo, senior vice presidents of BEWG, and Zhang Tiefu, vice president of BEWG, accompanied the visit.
