
News detail

BEWG took precautions and successfully survived the test 2018-10-07

On September 16, the No.22 typhoon “Mangkhut” landed in Guangdong, with a maximum wind force of scale 14 and heavy rain, bringing great influence on the life of local residents.

In face of typhoon “Mangkhut” with high damage intensity, great strong wind range and sufficient cloud system water vapor, Shenzhen Hengling Sewage Treatment Plant and Buji Wastewater Treatment Plant of BEWG made arrangement and reasonable deployment in advance, all department took urgent actions, strictly implemented the defense work deployment and emergency plans to form a rigorous line of defense against typhoon, and the Contingency Plan for Preventing Typhoon and Storm, the Contingency Plan for Preventing Water Logging of Underground Structures and the Contingency Plan for Power Outage were launched for the conditions like heavy rain and lightning that may be brought by typhoon; during the period, a total of 48 emergency rescue facilities including water pump and 218 flood control sandbags for single use were used; with professional management and emergency response capabilities, BEWG survived the test of super typhoon and realized stable production.

Proper deployment and positive response to demonstrate the level of emergency response

Hengling Sewage Treatment Plant started the emergency plan in the first time, implemented the measures against typhoon and was fully prepared for the battle. On September 12, the safety leadership team of the plant performed special safety inspection and maintenance in the plant for preventing typhoon and rainstorm, checked the integrity of emergency supplies and flood control sandbags and cable trench plugging one by one, and provided additional emergency sewage pumps in the area where water is easily to accumulate. To ensure that there is no safety hazard during the preparation for defense before typhoon comes, on September 16, the plant organized the personnel on duty to inspect the plant again, and they mainly checked the outdoor electrical control cabinets, doors and windows, trees, etc. in the plant for fixation.

The scale-14 typhoon struck with heavy rain from the afternoon of September 16, causing serious impact on Hengling Sewage Treatment Plant. The site personnel carried out reset inspection for several times against the wind, but there was frequent flash in the later period, to protect equipment safety and personal safety of outdoor workers in extreme weather, the production was stopped at 13:00 p.m. after reporting to the competent department.

At about 17:00 p.m., the wind power in the plant was weakened, but heavy rain continued, the water level of Longgang River outside the plant continued to rise and flooded the north gate of the plant and continued to flow backward to the plant. The project company immediately organized rescue and divided the emergency team members into two groups to lift the UV disinfection bent frames of the four channels out of water to prevent water from entering the frame and thereby burning the electrical components, finally, the bent frames were lifted out of water before water outlet of Phase II project is flooded.

However, the rain was extremely heavy, at about 18:00 p.m., two backwash pump rooms of Phase II project of Hengling Sewage Treatment Plant were successively flooded. The person in charge of the site immediately organized the assessment of overall risks of the plant, carried out emergency allocation of some water pumps in lower risk areas to two backwash pump rooms for speeding up the drainage, and meanwhile designated a specially-assigned person to continuously monitor the water levels of other underground structures, until about 3 a.m. on September 17, with the drop of flood level, the water level of the two pumps in the plant dropped simultaneously.

On September 17, to resume production as soon as possible, the workers of the project company immediately sorted out the fault conditions of site equipment regardless of  the fatigue of continuous working, disassembled the equipment motors of the two backwash pump rooms that were flooded, and inspected the electrical and self-control system and UV disinfection bent frames. They also worked overtime to handle the defective equipment by making use of the existing spare parts in the plant.

At 23:00 p.m. on September 18, the filter chambers 2 and 3 resumed operation. At 15:00 p.m. on September 19, the filter chambers 1 and 4 resumed operation. At this point, the production of Phase II project of Hengling Sewage Treatment Plant completely resumed.

After typhoon, the leaders of the Drainage Management Office of Shenzhen Municipal Water Affairs Bureau and the Environmental Protection and Water Affairs Bureau of Longgang District highly praised Hengling Sewage Treatment Plant for its efforts in fighting against typhoon to guarantee production, and said that the plant was efficient in organization, effective in measures and quick in action during the battle against typhoon and fully demonstrated the strength and level of BEWG. 

Taking preventive measures to guarantee stable operation during typhoon and demonstrate professional management level

Buji Wastewater Treatment Plant is the first largest underground sewage plant in China; with large space in the underground area and large areas of ventilation and deodorization channel, once there is water leakage, water is easy to accumulate, resulting in operation failure of the equipment and forced shutdown, therefore, it is more important to take preventive measures against typhoon.

After receiving the warning from Shenzhen Municipal Government and the Group Corporation, Buji Wastewater Treatment Plant immediately started the emergency plan, and successively held three emergency special deployment meetings for defense against the super typhoon “Mangkhut” to implement the preventive measures at different levels and strengthen the provision of emergency supplies. The main leaders took turns on duty for 24 hours, and all members of the emergency response team were ready to execute orders and were fully prepared for the defense against typhoon.

On the afternoon of September 12, the safety production leading group conducted special safety inspections for defense against typhoon and rainstorm, and carried out risk investigation to the drainage facilities and pipelines, equipment, doors and windows of structures, outdoor police booths, etc. of the plant and the garden. On the afternoon of September 14, the group organized and held a mobilization meeting and made an overall deployment of typhoon prevention. On the morning of September 15, the group organized a special inspection again, and implemented the anti-typhoon rectification and reinforcement measures formulated on September 12. On the morning of September 16, the maintenance team took temporary reinforcement measures for rolling gates in other areas of the plant, and the greening unit supported and reinforced the trees that are easy to fall down and carried out emergency closing and management of the garden.

On the afternoon of September 16, typhoon “Mangkhut” landed with strong wind and heavy rain. The anti-typhoon leading group gave command at the site, the plant leader performed command and dispatch in the central control room, the heads and personnel on duty of all departments had clear divisions of labor and were ready to perform their own responsibilities.

At 14:36 p.m., the indoor electric lamp began to flicker, and lightning high voltage flash was caused by the strong typhoon, resulting in accidental shutdown of plug flow mixers 5 and 9 of biological pool of group AB. At 15:05 p.m., accidental shutdown of plug flow mixers 1 and 6 of biological pool of group BD was caused by flash again, at 17:50 p.m., failure of plug flow mixers 7 and 8 of biological pool of group AB was caused. The maintenance personnel rushed to the biological pool for inspection according to the deployment, and restarted the device after confirming that the gate, door, etc. of the control box are normal.

To ensure safe and stable operation of the equipment, the operating personnel strengthened equipment inspection during typhoon, designated a specially-assigned person on duty for 24 hours, and inspected and cleaned the underground pretreatment of water inflow key facilities, as well as drainage ditches in the negative third and second floors to ensure that the flood control and drainage facilities are normal.
Meanwhile, a specially-assigned person was dispatched at the low-lying place of the underground structures to report to the central control personnel on the ground to make timely and effective contact.

On September 17, the typhoon was weakened and because the daily management and the measures against typhoon of Buji Wastewater Treatment Plant were implemented in place, no personal injury or death, and no equipment shutdown occurred in the plant, and the plant survived the attack of typhoon “Mangkhut”. 

Strong “Mangkhut”, 14-scale wind and heavy rain are not only a challenge and test but also a training for the professional management ability and equipment operation level of BEWG; as an industry leader, BEWG will constantly sum up experience, further strengthen the management level and enhance the sense of responsibility of a state-owned enterprise to try its best to satisfy the yearning for a beautiful environment of the public.
