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Green Seawater Desalination Technology Independently developed by BEWG is Favored Again – Officially Signing Changdao Seawater Desalination Municipal Water Supply Project in Shandong Province 2018-03-21

Recently, BEWG officially signed a bid for the 2,000ton/day subsidy government procurement project in Changdao County, Shandong Province. This project is a government procurement project of Changdao County. The construction content includes overall plant design, system integration, installation and commissioning, and 5 years of technical operation. In this project, BEWG’s independently-developed green free-dosing seawater desalination process will be used, and the freshwater produced will meet the “National Hygienic Standards for Drinking Water” (GB5749-2006). After completion, they all entered the local municipal water supply network and this project would become the first sea freshwater municipal water supply project in northern China.

Changdao is the only island county in the north of China rich in shellfish and fishery seafood. Fisheries and tourism are local pillar industries. It is a state-level nature reserve and a blue ecological island and a livable and livable island. Therefore, the local government and residents attach great importance to the impact of the sea water on the environment and water supply security.

The desalination green free-dosing technology to be used by BEWG’s Changdao desalination project is independently developed by BEWG. Without dosing of any chemical agents, the technology can reduce operating costs, and avoid the threats to the marine ecology caused by the traditional use of large amounts of acid, alkali, oxidants, and other drugs, so it has been recognized by the local government and residents. This project adopts such new technologies as all-digital modeling, cloud computing, and failure-safety in the system design, structure optimization, and remote control, realizing plug-and-play structural design of large and medium-sized sea-slimmer equipment, reducing the equipment integration cycle and on-site engineering volume and providing guarantees for safe production.

Desalination business is an important strategic part of BEWG. BEWG provides strong support in scientific research, investment, design, engineering operations and other aspects, with emphasis on constant innovation in technology and operations management. Relevant personnel of the seawater desalination business department were determined to innovate and actively explored. Through the Sansha City 500 tons/day sea-water project and a few national and provincial scientific research projects, BEWG has successfully developed a seawater desalination green free-dosing process technology and obtained six independent intellectual property patents and 2017 New Technology and New Product (Service) Certification in Beijing.

At present, BEWG’s seawater desalination business has covered the South Pacific, Africa, the Xisha Islands, Bohai Bay and other places. In the future, BEWG’s the seawater desalination business department will focus on “Investment + Technology + Construction + Operations”, implement the corporate core values of being responsible, valuable, and shared, maintain the rapid development of the unconventional water supply business, and contribute their own effort to building ecological civilization.
