• 尊龙凯时

    News detail

    Signing of Strategic Cooperation Agreement between BEWG and CDB 2017-07-14

    In the afternoon of July 14, 2017, the signing ceremony between Beijing Enterprises Water Group Limited (BEWG) and Beijing Branch of China Development Bank (CDB) was held in CDB Beijing Branch headquarter. CDB Beijing Branch President Xu Ming, Senior Expert Li Yuhua, BEWG Executive Director and President Zhou Min, and BEWG VP Wang Zhupin, attended the ceremony.

    BEWG President Zhou Min introduced the development history, various business line achievements, and strategic goals, and extended his sincere gratitude to the wide attention and support BEWG had gained from all the sectors of the community, especially the assistance and trust from CDB. BEWG President Zhou Min stated that BEWG would deepen the ecological strategy, with industry-financing fusion as the orientation, operation and capital as the platform, seize the development opportunity coming from national PPP industry policy, carry out deep cooperation with CDB, and jointly develop market resources to realize win-win development.

    CDB Beijing Branch President Xu Ming spoke highly of the rapid development, large scale assets and complete industry chain of BEWG, and commended BEWG as a successful model of reform of mixed ownership enterprise. He stated that CDB would carry out deep cooperation with BEWG in respect of PPP project industry fund and asset securitization, based on its conventional financing advantage, to realize the joint development.

    This strategic cooperation agreement will speed up the implementation of key projects, such as Daxing Xinfeng River Project, Beijing Subsidiary Administrative Center Project, Baotou Water Environment Comprehensive Treatment Project, Chifeng Surrounding Water System Project, through respective advantages of both parties. Both parties will establish strategic cooperation relationship with each other, create more development space for each other, and jointly open up a new era of win-win development. 
