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Minister of KETTHA of Malaysia Visited BEWG Headquarter 2017-06-14

On June 14, 2017, Dr. Maximus Johnity Ongkil, minister of KETTHA of Malaysia, and his delegation members, visited BEWG headquarter in Beijing, and they were escorted by Mr. Li Yongcheng, vice chairman and executive deputy general manager of Beijing Enterprises Group Company Limited and Chairman of the board of BEWG, and Mr. Zhou Min, executive director and president of BEWG.

The Minister Maximus Johnity Ongkili and his delegation members visited the exhibition hall of BEWG, getting themselves acquainted with basic information and various business status, and spoke highly of the business strength and project achievements of BEWG.

Later on, the Minister Maximus Johnity Ongkili and his delegation members had a discussion with BEWG Chairman Li Yongcheng, President Zhou Min and relevant responsible persons for overseas business. Chairman Li Yongcheng extended warm welcome to the visit by the Minister Maximus Johnity Ongkili, and gave a detailed description of various businesses of Beijing Enterprises Group Company Limited  such as gas service, water service, beer, clean energy, waste incineration power generation. He stated that Beijing Enterprises Group Company Limited was actively responding to our national initiative of "One Belt One Road", and willing to carry out the businesses like water service, solid waste treatment and clean energy in Southeast Asia, especially in Malaysia. Chairman Li Yongcheng specifically introduced the water environment comprehensive treatment of BEWG, and indicated to continue to develop water service projects in Malaysia, to make positive contribution to environment promotion in Malaysia.

The Minister Maximus Johnity Ongkili expressed that he was very happy with this visit of BEWG headquarter, and pointed out that BEWG had demonstrated its strength through excellent achievements and would have a bright future in Malaysia, hoping BEWG to cooperate with local enterprises in Malaysia to jointly develop local markets. The minister stated that some parts of Malaysia were faced with problems in water service and environmental protection, and suggested that BEWG go to the local places for onsite investigation and work together with Malaysian party to push forward the project implementation. Meanwhile, he suggested that clean energy company under Beijing Enterprises Group Company Limited carry out cooperation with local companies to jointly develop local markets and help local companies' development.  

Recently, BEWG has actively responding to our national initiative of "One Belt One Road", and successively carried out the project of Pantai-2 Sewage Treatment Plant in Kuala Lumpur, modification and pipeline expanding and construction project of water works in Chukai, Terengganu. And, Pantai-2 Sewage Treatment Plant in Kuala Lumpur has the handling capacity of 320,000 tons/day, and provides service for a population of 1,430,000. It is the biggest sewage treatment plant in Malaysia, and the first underground sewage treatment plant in Malaysia. This project was officially inaugurated on May 25, 2017.
