
Staff Development Safety and Health

Talent is the core competitiveness of the Group, and BEWG attaches great importance to staff development. We constantly improve the promotion and development system, optimize the career development channel of employees, and develop training programs according to the different needs of various employees, and provide diversified training to promote employee growth.

  • Promotion system

  • Training system

  • Improving the ability of front-line employees

  • Professional training

  • International talent grooming

BEWG enhanced its salary and performance management systems, to refine our human resources system and motivate employees. Taking varying roles and responsibilities into account, we utilized personal target KPIs, 360-degree evaluation, and ranking among employees at the same level to ensure fair promotion opportunities.

• For in-house leaders, BEWG uses the 360-degree evaluation model in leader promotion, position adjustment and annual evaluation. This includes feedback about their performance from employees – from upper levels, the same level and lower levels – and the leader themselves. This feedback plays a key role in human resources decision- making. Self-management, leadership and business management are core factors in the 360-degree model, making the evaluation comprehensive yet focused. It provides employees with scientific evaluation, helps them identify strengths and weakness, and encourages them to continue growing.

• BEWG’s employee evaluations are based on management by objectives and core value competence. Individual goals are based on our quarterly, biannual or annual performance. The results influence bonuses, promotions, salary adjustments and training, and hence drive the Group’s goals.

Talent is the valuable wealth of the company, continuous staff training and development is the key to enhance the core competitiveness of enterprises, which has always been fully emphasized by BEWG. Our talent training system construction based on the group's overall development strategy and human resources strategy, establish online and offline combined training mode to create a "full range" "three-dimensional" "digital" trinity training system, which is designed to provide comprehensive staff training and development. The "three-in-one" training system aims to provide comprehensive, systematic and professional knowledge and skills training for employees, help employees to better enhance their comprehensive ability to adapt to the market demand, and realize the common growth of individuals and enterprises.

Our company has nearly 10,000 front-line skilled employees, for the front-line staff ability to improve, our company has always insisted on improving the job skills of front-line staff, clear talent development path, investing multiple resources to cultivate high-value talents, set up a front-line staff skills level certification system, through theoretical learning and practical operation of the two aspects of the application of classroom lectures, case studies, practical operations, online learning and other training methods, and continue to develop the practical operational skills and problem-solving ability of employees to ensure that our employees are able to realize the double enhancement of their abilities and personal development in their actual work.

  • BEWG conducts the first Knowledge and Know-how Examination and focuses on improving the ability of front-line employees

    In 2019, BEWG conducted the first Knowledge and Know-how Examination for operation companies, covering nearly 10,000 people. The targets are managers from operation companies and front-line operation employees. The content is mainly about the basic knowledge of corporate culture, safety, sewage, water supply, equipment, testing and environmental protection inspection which operation employees should grasp.
    This examination not only comprehensively tested the knowledge of the first-line operation management employees and business employees in the Group, but also improved the employees' learning of operating procedures and safety production specifications, which is conducive to enhancing the ability of front-line employees and promoting the strategic transformation of human resources while encouraging the enthusiasm of employees to learn the knowledge and know-how and building the Group into a learning organization.
  • Beijing Enterprises Water successfully held the second "Evergreen Cup" Professional Skills Competition

    From December 10 to December 13, 2019, Beijing Enterprises Water Group’s second "Evergreen Cup" Professional Skills Competition was successfully held in Yongzhou, Hunan. 31 players from the five regions of the Group participated in the competition.
    This competition set up two competition subjects for water supply network leak detection and sewage water quality test. The leak detection project of the water supply network is an actual competition. The terrain of the stage covers different situations such as residential quarters, main roads, and commercial centers. During the competition, the average walking distance of all participants was more than 20 kilometers, and a total of 44 effective leak points were identified. The sewage water quality test focuses on assessing the operation standardization, skill proficiency and accuracy of results of the phosphate concentration test to test the mastery and level of the relevant professional knowledge, technology and operation specifications of the sewage test players.
    The two-day competition not only improved the standardization and accuracy of the sewage water quality test, selected the elite soldiers of all units, but also stimulated the enthusiasm of the employees for learning through the preparation for the competition, and created a strong atmosphere for learning.

    The Group attaches great importance to the enhancement of the professional capacity of each line, for different positions of staff to open a senior operations manager international training courses, national water plant director training courses, water supply enterprise managers advanced training courses, financial director training courses, etc., invited the industry professional experts and scholars composed of experienced faculty, rigorous teaching attitude, professional teaching methods, to provide employees with high-quality professional skills and help them to understand the industry's cutting-edge knowledge and continuously improve their development.

    • BEWG launched a full line of training activities in the construction system

      The theme of our construction system training was "master required knowledge and skills, empower the frontline". The meeting focused on project management, including basic operations and system norms. All of our members in the construction field were well informed. Multiple regions and projects benefited from the training and tests were organized for relevant personnel. BEWG’s functional centres worked together to complete the joint acceptance check (at completion) and onsite teaching.
      National Construction Project Manager training is sponsored by the BEWG School, co-organised by Enterprise University of China Tiesiju Civil Engineering Group Co., Ltd and our human resources centre.
      The first class involved two rounds of intensive training in September and December. Sixty trainees successfully completed the study. These included construction project managers from regions and business departments, and key professionals from our Construction Management Centre, construction enterprises and supervision companies.

      The Group has always attached great importance to the cultivation of high-quality talents with global water management vision, selects and sends outstanding personnel abroad every year to learn international advanced enterprise management experience and professional enterprise operation mode, and benchmark the international leading enterprise management level and environmental governance experience. Through the learning of international management experience, we help our staff realize the common growth of individuals and enterprises, and create a better future together!

      • The International Workshop for Senior Operations Managers of the Group (the second phase) was successfully held

        From November 4-17, 2023, the International Seminar for Senior Operation Managers of BEWG (Phase II), sponsored by BEWG, organized by Japan Water Agency and Beishui Education, and co organized by Japan China Science, Technology and Culture Center, was successfully held in Japan. WA experts conducted a centralized training for 14 trainees, explained the overall introduction of WA, business areas, management system, procurement management, equipment consulting, centralized control and crisis management center, and answered and communicated the trainees' questions.

        During the study, the students visited the Shacho Water Recycling Center and Zhipu Water Recycling Center in Tokyo, and experienced the design, construction, operation and maintenance of these two water plants which operated for nearly a century; After that, 14 trainees were divided into three groups and arrived at the Wide Area Management Operating Center (hereinafter referred to as OC) of Water Agency in Chiba, Ibaraki and Osaka, where they conducted in-depth learning with goals, priorities, plans and organizations in terms of OC management mode, OC safety and health conference, OC business management director meeting, business performance plan, equipment management, disaster response and emergency response system.

        After intensive study and discussion at OC, the trainees went to the site of Japan Water Plant for probation at Hachichipur Purification Center, Shougu Purification Center, Tsudanuma Purification Center, Huajianchuan Sewage Treatment Plant, Otsu Water Regeneration Center, and East Nizaki Sewage Treatment Plant, respectively, to learn about the operation process, equipment operation and maintenance, safety and health, organizational structure, design concept Crisis management, etc.
      • BEWG opens Senior Operation Manager International Training

        BEWG’s first Senior Operation Manager International Training – a collaboration between our Human Resource Centre, Operation Management Centre, the BEWG School, the Water Agency and the Japan-China Science and Culture Centre – began in August. With a 40 days’ preparation, the training offered 40 days of overseas training, research and study.
        The training included theory and field studies, such as a water quality test in Hanamigawa and a treatment plant study in Toyota. The initiative yielded the creation of the Overseas Research and Study Management System, generated 43 overseas research reports and studies, and facilitated strategic cooperation between water industry talent in China and Japan.
      • BEWG promotes the strategic cooperation between China and Japan on water operation employees

        On December 6, BEWG, Water Agency Co., Ltd. and Japan-China Science, Technology and Culture Association executed the Agreement on Talent Training and Strategic Cooperation Framework in Water Treatment Operation Management at the 13th China-Japan Energy Conservation and Environmental Protection Comprehensive Forum. The three parties reached a basic consensus on the cooperation based on that all parties give their full play in human resources and technology.
        As progressive and professional water treatment enterprises, BEWG and Water Agency Co., Ltd. hope to deepen mutual understanding and exchange experience and technology under the common sense of mission, striving to improve the water environment of Japan and China, or even the third parties (countries and regions).

        BEWG always takes the health and safety of employees as its top priority, and strictly abides by the Production Safety Law of the People’s Republic of China, the Law of the People’s Republic of China on Prevention and Control of Occupational Diseases and other laws and regulations to guarantee the occupational health and safety of employees.

        • Safe production

        • Occupational health

        • Employee care

        BEWG is clear on responsibilities and working procedures, to ensure safety in production. These are documented in BEWG Administrative Measures to Implement the "Three Simultaneous" Precautions for Occupational Diseases, BEWG Responsibility System for Safety in Production, BEWG Regulations on Hazard and Risk Assessment,and BEWG Regulations on Occupational Health.

        BEWG has established production safety committees at the corporate headquarters and all primary business departments. As the supreme decision- making body, the committee at the headquarters studies and checks major production safety matters and supervises implementation of safety measures at the primary departments.

        The quality security centre at our headquarters formulates annual safe production targets, according to actual conditions. It issues Letters on Commitment on Safe Production Target to all regions and departments under the direct management of headquarters. We collect monthly safety reports from all primary business departments, summarize and follow up on them, and issue a report with our analysis. This provides a scientific basis for BEWG’s overall safety management.

        BEWG initiates safety inspections. In 2019, over 40 specific inspections were undertaken in the five regions at corporate level. There were also 224,026 routine safety inspections, 5,884 specific inspections, 4,286 comprehensive inspections and 1,931 external inspections in our regions and project companies.

        • BEWG's "Work Safety Month" series of activities

          In 2023, we created a warning education column, share accident cases on the intranet and the nail portal, and promote employee learning. We carried out safety training for all staff and delivered safety information through multiple channels by issuing the internal journal of Safety Outlook, organizing the "Safety Production Month" activity, playing materials on electronic screens, providing safety education videos and other ways. At the same time, we launched the online course "On line Safety Training for All Employees of BEWG in 2023", which covered 16973 staff and effectively improved the safety awareness and ability of all employees.
          In June, 2023, BEWG welcomed the 22nd national "Work Safety Month". Under the theme of "everyone talks about safety, everyone knows how to respond to emergencies", we launched a series of distinctive safety training activities, including warning propaganda, education and training, hidden danger investigation and management, and emergency response drills. Through the extensive use of new means such as network interaction and online experience, the activities have disseminated safety knowledge, enhanced the safety awareness and emergency response skills of all staff, and effectively created a positive safety culture for employees.
        • The Fifth "Safety Cup" Competition of BEWG

          In September 2023, BEWG successfully held the fifth "Safety Cup" competition. The competition aims to emphasize employees' awareness of work safety, enhance their ability in emergency response, and build a good working atmosphere for safety.
          The competition is divided into three parts: online assessment of safety knowledge, limited space industry and emergency rescue drill, and safety knowledge competition, covering regional general manager, main person in charge of operation projects, delivery project manager, safety management personnel and front-line operators, etc., to ensure the overall improvement of production safety management.

          BEWG has formulated BEWG Occupational Health Management Regulations to clarify our occupational health requirements and the responsibility of each business unit. Taking site-specific hazards and real production conditions into consideration, every unit must undertake occupational health management, and keep occupational health and labour health records. At posts with potential hazards, employees must receive occupational health examinations.

          In 2019, the Group updated the BEWG Quality, Environment, Occupational Health Management Manual, to safeguard safe, civilised and harmonious working environments, and eliminate occupational diseases. We also revised the BEWG Regulations on Labour Protection Articles Management, clarifying our requirements regarding labour protection. Project companies were guided to distribute labour protection articles to employees in accordance with their operating types and working conditions.

          BEWG explicitly demands every business unit to held training about occupational health and labour protection, and carry out first aid drills, to improve employees’ awareness. At the end of 2019, facing the outbreak of COVID-19, we put employees’ health first, responding promptly and rapidly rearranging work.

          • BEWG quickly responds to COVID-19 and safeguards safety

            At the beginning of the COVID-19 outbreak, BEWG implemented a daily report system, regularly updated statistics, and analyzed employees who had moved between different places during the Spring Festival period. We documented the movements, isolation and physical condition of employees and reported level-by-level, to identify any abnormalities.
            Before work resumes, cleaners thoroughly wash and sterilize the air-conditioning systems of our buildings. Registration, temperature measurement and sterilization of working spaces are implemented, and COVID-19 prevention posters are posted at the entrance of each floor and on electronic boards, reminding employees to protect themselves.
            To resume work in an orderly manner and satisfy the PCC and State Council’s requirement for effective COVID-19 prevention and control, BEWG has organized resumption and production by successive business units. We provide employees with masks and regulate the in-out management of employees by measuring temperature, registering movement and logging when employees enter the building, reminding employees to wash hands regularly and wear masks, and restricting numbers in closed places such as elevators and meeting rooms. Meanwhile, we clean and disinfect offices frequently, and guarantee the normal operation of our buildings’ ventilation, water supply and drainage.

            The Group is committed to providing employees with the best quality compensation and benefits, providing competitive salaries, a full range of welfare protection, including paid vacations, holiday benefits, regular medical checkups, health insurance, etc., so that you can work worry-free and show the best version of yourself!

            BEWG believes employees are more than working partners. We view them as friends, and are therefore interested in their opinions and thoughts. We have labor unions in our headquarters, branches and subsidiaries, and encourage employees to express themselves and protect their rights and benefits.

            We create a comfortable and clean office environment for our employees, and place a variety of green plants in the office area to help our employees maintain their physical and mental well-being at work. In order to balance the work and life of our employees and enhance their sense of well-being, we actively carry out colorful cultural activities, including lectures for women in the workplace on the 8th of March, paintings on the 1st of June, and the promotion of the "Power of BeiShui" role model of excellent employees.

            • "Ask" question-and-answer platform

              In order to better help employees answer confusions  that the existing systems and processes in the Group can not find or; so that experts can pass on their knowledge that used to be only in their hearts; novices can quickly find the exit of the confusion; and to further precipitation of unstructured knowledge of BEWG, and accumulate corpus.
              The "Ask" platform was born with the concept of "Ask if you want to ask, know everything"!
              [Question] Ask as many questions as you want, there is no limit to what you can ask.
              Format:Just ask your own questions.
              [Answer] Know it all, and answer with all your heart.
              Format: Use your own power to answer with all your heart! It's within your power and responsibility to do so!
            • Internal management and consulting cultural roadshows

              To improve employee engagement and respond to our units’ cultural needs, BEWG held 64 cultural roadshows around the country in 2019. These entertained 4,239 people from the five regions eco- enterprises, and industrial technology research institutes, and featured cultural interviews with more than 130 mid-level managers and above. These interviews gave rise to eight management diagnostic reports.
              During the phase of high-quality growth, BEWG uses both cultural roadshows and cultural diagnosis to inspect the cultural health of the Group, and by means of cultural roadshows, promotes cultural blending, builds bridges of communication and trust, improves the cultural dynamics, represent a new way of presenting our ambitions, and enables the implementation of co-creation of BEWG ecology and culture and innovation strategy.